Creating and submitting Flight Authorizations

Verge's Flight Authorization system allows us to help customers fly safe shows. Once approved, Shows can be created against approved flight authorizations and allow our customers to render shows which can then be uploaded and flown on our drones via the Console.

To create a Flight Authorization, enter your organization via the left-hand navigation bar, then select the "Flight Auth" tab as pictured below.

Once you've navigated here, press the "New Authorization" button to get started, and fill out the subsequent form including drawing a geofence around your show's location.

The Flight Authorization map will also render relevant UAS grids, controlled airspace, restricted flight areas, and more.

After action has been taken on your flight authorization request, you will receive an email updating you on the status, whether it was Approved or Denied. Many flight authorizations, especially those falling outside controlled airspace will be approved automatically. But if your flight authorization falls within controlled airspace you will have to wait for a Verge administrator to review and approve or deny. If you are denied, we will provide further steps to ensure a safe flight.

Last updated